2022 - 2023 Nursery Workers Schedule


4 - Samantha Burris & Linda Caplinger

11- Kim Fields & Suzette Dalton

18 - Debbie Gallier & Sheryl Easterling

25 - Trina Whitaker & Jenna Mascera


2 - Teresa Russell  & Lee Parrish

9 - Stephanie Scalfaro & Rhonda Smith

16 - Samantha Burris & Linda Caplinger

23 - Kim Fields & Suzette Dalton

30 - Debbie Gallier & Sheryl Easterling


6 - Trina Whitaker & Jenna Mascera

13 - Teresa Russell  & Lee Parrish

20 - Stephanie Scalfaro & Rhonda Smith

27 - Samantha Burris & Linda Caplinger


4 - Kim Fields & Suzette Dalton

11 - Debbie Gallier & Sheryl Easterling

18 - Trina Whitaker & Jenna Mascera

25 - Teresa Russell  & Lee Parrish


1 - Stephanie Scalfaro & Rhonda Smith

8 - Samantha Burris & Linda Caplinger

15 - Kim Fields & Suzette Dalton

22 - Debbie Gallier & Sheryl Easterling

29 - Trina Whitaker & Jenna Mascera


5 - Teresa Russell  & Lee Parrish

12 - Stephanie Scalfaro & Rhonda Smith

19 - Samantha Burris & Linda Caplinger

26 - Kim Fields & Suzette Dalton


5 - Debbie Gallier & Sheryl Easterling

12 - Trina Whitaker & Jenna Mascera

19 - Teresa Russell  & Lee Parrish

26 - Stephanie Scalfaro & Rhonda Smith


2 - Samantha Burris & Linda Caplinger

9 - Kim Fields & Suzette Dalton

16 - Debbie Gallier & Sheryl Easterling

23 - Trina Whitaker & Jenna Mascera

30 - Teresa Russell  & Lee Parrish


7 - Stephanie Scalfaro & Rhonda Smith

14 - Samantha Burris & Linda Caplinger

21 - Kim Fields & Suzette Dalton

28 - Debbie Gallier & Sheryl Easterling


4 - Trina Whitaker & Jenna Mascera

11 - Teresa Russell  & Lee Parrish

18 - Stephanie Scalfaro & Rhonda Smith

25 - Samantha Burris & Linda Caplinger


2 - Kim Fields & Suzette Dalton

9 - Debbie Gallier & Sheryl Easterling

16 - Trina Whitaker & Jenna Mascera

23 - Teresa Russell  & Lee Parrish

30 - Stephanie Scalfaro & Rhonda Smith


6 - Samantha Burris & Linda Caplinger

13 - Kim Fields & Suzette Dalton

20 - Debbie Gallier & Sheryl Easterling

27 - Trina Whitaker & Jenna Mascera


As always, we appreciate your willingness to work in our nursery ministry. What you are doing is vital, because it makes it possible for someone else to be in the worship service hearing the word of God.

You will be taking care of children who are infants/toddlers through 3 years old. Remember, you need to be in the nursery ready to greet the children by 10:20am so their parents can get upstairs and into the sanctuary in time for worship at 10:30am.

We are depending on you to be in the nursery when you are scheduled. If you are unable to be there, please switch with off with someone on another team. Please be faithful to the worship service when you're not serving in the nursery.

The two people scheduled to serve in the nursery should be all that=s needed to care for the children. Please encourage all other parents/guardians to join everyone else in the worship service.

If someone you do not know brings a child to the nursery, step up, greet them warmly, get their name and the child=s name (a legal pad and pen are on the cabinet so you can write their names down), and ask if there are any special instructions (feeding, snacks allowed, food allergies, special changing instructions, etc.).

Please do not allow children to throw toys.

Do not be afraid to correct children firmly, but in love. Please do not grab, yell at, or spank the children! If a child continues to misbehave, one of the workers should come and get the parent out of church.

Check the exterior church doors downstairs to be sure they are locked and if they're not, lock them.

Please dispose of dirty diapers in the plastic bags provided, putting them in the outside trash can at the end of the service.

Be sure toys are picked up and put away before you leave. Have the children help you clean up.

Sick children should not be allowed in the nursery under any circumstances.

Please only show Christian oriented videos in the nursery. Many are provided.

Do not release a toddler on his own or infants to just anyone, but only to their parents or someone designated by the parents.

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